Barriers to the spread of the gospel

Barriers to the spread of the gospel

هذه الصفحة غير متوفرة باللغة العربية.

By preparing gospel messages on cassette and other media, for all the unreached and peoples without the Bible, Global Recordings Network helps overcome several barriers to the spread of the gospel.

Extracts from Rick Wood's article in the Mission Frontiers Magazine - USA

The Illiteracy Barrier

There are two billion non-readers. Many groups are almost completely illiterate. Others, like the North American Blackfoot Indians, are literate in English, but have little interest in reading their traditional language, which is used only orally. This barrier swings aside when non-readers hear the message. Radio broadcasts and the JESUS Film have also been effective tools in reaching non-readers in larger groups, but it is not financially possible to provide these resources in all 8,000 languages as it is with audio recordings.

It is much easier and quicker to produce these recordings in unknown languages than to produce any other communications media. These recordings can also be done at much reduced cost compared to radio, TV and other forms of media communication. Because it is easier, faster and less costly to produce these recordings, they are perfectly suited to reaching the smallest and most remote un-reached people groups.

The Political Barrier

Missionaries are often shut out, but not audio cassettes. The power of audio cassettes can be seen in the example of Iran. Prior to the revolution that brought him to power, the Ayatollah Khomeini flooded Iran with audio cassettes bearing his message of Islamic revolution. This paved the way for his eventual takeover of the government. Likewise, missionaries can use these low cost cassettes to bypass government restrictions and flood the unreached peoples with the gospel message that can truly set them free.

The Geographic Barrier

Tribes tucked away in the Himalayas are not visited often by missionaries. The effect of this barrier is greatly lessened as they repeatedly listen to cassettes that have been left with them.

The Language Barrier

There are a formidable 8,000 (or more) languages and dialects. This barrier melts away when people hear their language spoken, just the way they speak it, on the recordings. Many peoples will often not accept a message that they hear spoken with a different accent even though it is understandable. Audio recordings on tape overcome this barrier.

Audio Communication is a tool available to all missionaries and Christians. It provides a pre-church planting strategy. It allows missionaries to reach groups whose language they cannot yet speak and the message keeps on going long after the missionary leaves. It also helps new believers to witness to their friends, neighbours and family.

The Manpower Barrier

Audio communications helps missionaries and evangelists to cope with the manpower barrier by multiplying their voices.

The Prejudice Barrier

Missionaries are not welcome in the isolated villages of the Trique Indians of southern Mexico. The prejudice barrier has been negated by gospel cassettes in their own dialect, carried home by migrant workers.

معلومات ذات صلة

أخبار عالمية - أخر أخبار خدمة و موارد "الشبكة العالمية للتسجيلات" حول العالم.

الشفاهية - مقالات عن خصائص المجتمعات الشفاهية، و كيفية توصيل الانجيل اليها.

Unreached Peoples -