Spratly Islands

Inligting oor Spratly Islands

Region: Asië
Area (sq km): 2
FIPS Country Code: PG
ISO Country Code:
GRN Office: GRN Offices in Asia

Map of Spratly Islands

Map of Spratly Islands

Tale en dialekte wat in Spratly Islands gepraat word

  • Other Language Options
    Opnames Beskikbaar
    Inheemse tale

6 taalname gevind

Chinese, Yue [China, Guangdong] - ISO Language [yue]

English: Asian [Hong Kong] [eng]

Filipijns [Philippines, Luzon, Cordillera Region] - ISO Language [fil]

Malay, Standard [Malaysia] - ISO Language [zsm]

Mandarin [China] - ISO Language [cmn]

Vietnamees - ISO Language [vie]

Mense Groepe in Spratly Islands