Deliverance from Demons

Deliverance from Demons

概要: Very simple discussion showing that Jesus is more powerful than demons, and will protect those who trust Him. He can free them from demon power. Prayer of repentance given.

文本編號: 258

語言: English

主題: Christ (Saviour of Sinful Men); Character of God (Power of God / Jesus); Living as a Christian (Worship, Leaving old way, begin new way); Problems (Evil Spirits, demons, Fear)

聽眾: Animist

樣式: Dialog

類型/流派: Messages and Fiction

目的: Evangelism

聖經摘錄: Minimal

狀態: Approved



1. Why are you so sad?
2. My friend just died. He worshipped the demons twice, and didn't get better. You never know whether the demons will heal you or not.

1. True. The demons don't love us. They help us just enough to keep us worshipping them. They don't help us much; they would rather harm us.
2. That's right. The demons cause us to be blind and ignorant. We have fear continually. I wish I could be freed from the demons.

1. God's book says that if we forsake the demons and believe in the Lord Jesus, we can be delivered.
2. We can't forsake them. The demons will be angry and harm us.

1. But Jesus is stronger than demons. He is stronger than the chief demon. The demons fear the Lord Jesus very much.
2. They may fear the Lord Jesus, but they don't fear us. If we worship Jesus, the demons will still harm us.

1. The demons will not dare bother us. God's book says that if we believe and worship Jesus, He will be with us every day, every night, everywhere.
2. But if Jesus leaves us, the demons will come back to bother us again.

1. Jesus says, "I will never leave you nor forsake you."
2. Those are good words. Can we people worship Jesus?

1. Surely. If we repent and worship Jesus, He will help us. Jesus came down to earth long ago to help us. He died for our sins; died and rose again. Now the Lord Jesus will save us who believe and worship Him, save us from sin, from Hell, and from demons.
2. Where is Jesus?

1. He is everywhere. He sees what we do, hears what we say, knows what we think. He can truly help us.
2. How do I follow Him?

1. You must speak to Him like this: "O, Lord Jesus, I am a sinner. I want to forsake my sins, and forsake demons. I will believe in You, Lord Jesus. I will followYour way." Then Jesus will come and live in your heart. He will keep the demons away. He will care for you and watch over you very well. Then you will love Him, study God's book (think about His words), and obey His commands.

Chorus: (Substitute any good song)

1. God created Heaven: 2. That Son died for man;

He created earth. After three days He rose again,

He gave His Son, Free from suffering.

Who loved man very much Now He is alive and well,

He will give us goodness And says, "Forsake demons;

Have blessedness. Worship and believe."


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