Fulfulde, Northeastern Burkina Faso: Bogandé 語言

語言名稱: Fulfulde, Northeastern Burkina Faso: Bogandé
ISO語言名稱: Fulfulde, Western Niger [fuh]
語言狀態: Verified
GRN語言編號: 9935
IETF Language Tag: fuh-x-HIS09935
ROLV (ROD) 語言變體代碼: 09935

Fulfulde, Northeastern Burkina Faso: Bogandé的錄音


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Recordings in related languages

看, 聽, 行 6 耶穌 - 教師與醫治者 (in Fulfulde, Western Niger)

聖經影音故事系列編號6書是關于馬太福音和馬可福音的耶稣. 可用於傳福音,建立教會,和系統性的基督教教導.

Jesus Story (in Fulfulde, Western Niger)

"耶穌電影" 的一個音頻和視頻,取材自路加福音。以耶穌故事為題材的有聲劇


Jesus Film Project films - Fulfulde, Jelgoore - (Jesus Film Project)
Jesus Film Project films - Fulfulde, Western Niger - (Jesus Film Project)
Laawol Gooügaaku - The Way of Righteousness - FulFulde - (Rock International)
The Jesus Story (audiodrama) - Fulfulde Western Niger - (Jesus Film Project)
The New Testament - Fulfulde Burkina - 2012 SIM - (Faith Comes By Hearing)
The New Testament - Fulfulde, Western Niger - 2017 Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc. and SIM-Niger - (Faith Comes By Hearing)
The Promise - Bible Stories - Fulfulde, Western Niger - (Story Runners)

Fulfulde, Northeastern Burkina Faso: Bogandé的其他名稱

Fulfulde Bogande
Fulfulde, Northeastern Burkina Faso: Bogande
Fulfulde, Western Niger: Bogande

說Fulfulde, Northeastern Burkina Faso: Bogandé的地方

Burkina Faso

與Fulfulde, Northeastern Burkina Faso: Bogandé有關的方言

說 Fulfulde, Northeastern Burkina Faso: Bogandé 的組員

Fulani, Jelgooji

關於Fulfulde, Northeastern Burkina Faso: Bogandé信息

人口: 1,150,000


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