Information Technology Opportunities



GRN uses information technology extensively in processing and distributing recordings, managing data on languages, and supporting general administrative and promotional activities. We have a global database, file repository and communications infrastructure which powers our apps and websites of over a million pages.


We need skilled people in a range of technologies:

  • PC hardware and software as well as Linux and MacOS
  • PostgreSQL or other enterprise relational database
  • Cloud systems, particularly Kubernetes, GCP and Azure
  • New development in JavaScript, Python and PHP
  • Support of other systems in C#, Scala and Delphi
  • Testing, particularly automated testing
  • Computer security
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

The most pressing need at the moment is for skilled and experienced JavaScript developers, including NodeJS, Vue, Nuxt and GraphQL. We are using these technologies to build our next-generation app for field researchers and recordists. There could be one staff position, and multiple volunteer positions available.

There are also opportunities for those who can repair and maintain recording and computer equipment, provide technical support for recordists in the field, evaluate new technologies, and research and develop new products specific to our ministry including in artificial intelligence.

Positions could be full time, part time, or long term volunteer. Some work could be done at least partly from home.

Please complete the form below if you would like more information about using your information technology skills with GRN.

  • GRN has some exciting development opportunities for JS developers, both staff and volunteers.



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Serve - We believe we have some of the best jobs in the world!

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