Resources for Short term missions

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Are you going on a short term mission? Then don't let language be a barrier!

GRN has resources for short term missions in over 6400 language varieties. They will allow you to share the good news of Jesus in culturally appropriate ways, using local voices, local songs and local music.

Tools for you to use:

  • The website provides access to GRN's content from any mobile device with a web browser and media player
  • iPhone and Android phones and tablets can also download the free apps from
  • Use the website and apps to download, listen to and share the Gospel in over 5,000 languages

Picture Books

  • Pictures books accompany many of GRN's recordings to help keep attention and aid visualisation

Ways to use our resources:

  • Bring a Saber, MegaVoice player, tablet or other playback device on your short term mission
  • Play it from your mobile phone
  • Attach a speaker to your mobile phone and play it to a group
  • Distribute CDs just like you would a tract
  • Or give out micro SD cards to mobile phone users

Not sure what suits you best? Ask GRN - we will help you find the best technology for your particular situation!


福音与圣经资源 - 环球录音网负责制作上千种语言的音频材料用于传福音和讲解圣经,同时也制作图书及手动录音播放器。 環球錄音網負責製作上千種語言的音頻材料用於傳福音和講解聖經,同時也製作圖書及手動錄音播放器。

短宣机会 - 和环球录音网一起去实地执行任务。

Resources to Promote GRN in Your Church or Ministry Group - Videos, posters and other promotional material.