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如何捐助 请看这里

有关我们在各国的财务问题,请 联系你当地的环球录音网办公室

  • Another way you can support GRN financially is through a bequest.

  • 环球录音网要在一切与财政有关的事宜上荣耀主,包括我们如何获取财政支持以及我们如何管理资金。


关于GRN - GRN 通过制作不同种语言的圣经音频资料6493,使福音能够传播世界最远的地方。

加入我们 - 从未想过成为一名传教士吗?没关系,您还能通过其它方式参与GRN的活动。

Adopt a Language - You can play a significant role in reaching an unreached people group

Adopt a Recording Project - Provide the resources for evangelists to reach a language group like the Amblong. $2,000 - $10,000

Special Distribution Funds - Help distribute CDs, Saber mp3 players, micro SD cards or other materials to a language group like the Quichua. From $99.00

Equip a Recordist - A basic recordist's kit includes a professional recording machine, microphones, headphones and other equipment. $3,500

Support A National Worker - Many national workers face difficulties and make huge sacrifices as they serve God. With your support they can stay with the ministry. from $2,400 p.a.