The Bride

The Bride

Đề cương: The search for satisfaction in life leads to many disillusions, disappointments and hurt - but there is an answer.

Số kịch bản: V006

ngôn ngữ: English: Southern Africa

Kiểu dáng: Multiple voices

Thể loại: Messages and Fiction

Mục đích: Teaching; Welfare

Trạng thái: Publishable

Kịch bản

Recorded on stage with audience.
Storyline: You search and you search: for satisfaction, ... for fulfillment, ... for love. You are born with that search in you. You search for genuine love, love that complements you, ... love that completes you. Where are you, Love? I looked everywhere, ... in everyone, only to be disappointed, ... disillusioned, ... hurt, ... even abused. And then, where I didn't expect it, I found Him ...

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