Using GRN Resources for Seafarers

  • Het Havenlicht/SCFS (the Harbourlight) is one of many missions bringing the gospel to seafarers. Read extracts from two newsletters.

  • GRN Netherlands suggests - if you intend to go on a cruise next holiday, why not take along some good news for the cruise staff.

  • Ship ministry is an example of the way our ministry resources can be used for evangelism and discipleship within Australia.

  • "An Indonesian crew member was interested in the gospel but would not take the literature. I showed him the cassette in his heart language, he took it, saying 'This is for me'."

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Nguồn tư liệu GRN cho các mục đích đặc biệt - Các tài liệu GRN có thể được sử dụng bằng nhiều cách khác nhau, giống như trong các buổi giảng cho trẻ em, tù nhân, người nhập cư và di dân

Perfect timing: a Seafarer delivers GRN materials - Two Christian crew from different boats receive flip charts and Sabers to help spread the gospel