Using GRN Resources for Seafarers

  • Het Havenlicht/SCFS (the Harbourlight) is one of many missions bringing the gospel to seafarers. Read extracts from two newsletters.

  • GRN Netherlands suggests - if you intend to go on a cruise next holiday, why not take along some good news for the cruise staff.

  • Ship ministry is an example of the way our ministry resources can be used for evangelism and discipleship within Australia.

  • "An Indonesian crew member was interested in the gospel but would not take the literature. I showed him the cassette in his heart language, he took it, saying 'This is for me'."

Informações pertinentes

Material da GRN com propósitos especiais - Os produtos da GRN podem ser usados das mais diversas formas em ministérios para crianças, marinheiros, presos, imigrantes ou refugiados.

Perfect timing: a Seafarer delivers GRN materials - Two Christian crew from different boats receive flip charts and Sabers to help spread the gospel