: Korean, North
: Coreano [kor]
: Verified
: 20017
Etiqueta de idioma IETF: ko-x-HIS20017
: 20017

Gravações disponíveis em Korean, North

Grabaciones en idiomas relacionados

Korean, North

Bible Stories - South Korean - (OneStory Partnership)
God's Story Video and Audio - Korean - (God's Story)
Hymns - Korean - (NetHymnal)
Jesus Film Project films - Hamgyongdo - (Jesus Film Project)
Jesus Film Project films - Korean - (Jesus Film Project)
Jesus Film Project films - Korean, North - (Jesus Film Project)
영광의 왕 (King of Glory) - Korean - (Rock International)
The Bible - Korean - 오디오 성경 - (Wordproject)
The gospels - New Korean Revised Version - (The Lumo Project)
The Jesus Story (audiodrama) - Hamgyongdo - (Jesus Film Project)
The Jesus Story (audiodrama) - Korean - (Jesus Film Project)
The Jesus Story (audiodrama) - Korean North - (Jesus Film Project)
The New Testament - Korean, North - (Faith Comes By Hearing)
The New Testament - Korean, South - (Faith Comes By Hearing)
Thru the Bible Korean Podcast - (Thru The Bible)
Who is God? - Korean - (Who Is God?)

조선말 (Nome da língua local)
कोरियाई, उत्तर

Korea, North

: 25,300,000