Restoration of the Withered Self - Who Am I?

Samenvatting: 1. Restoration of one's identity. (Who are you? God created you very special and you are valuable. You were born with purpose and to do good and valuable things because you are good and valuable). 2. Restoration of one's character. (Things you like about yourself). 3. Restoration of one's possibilities. 4. Start to restore your possibilities and ways to do that. Prayer to receive Christ.

Thema:Love of God; Saviour of Sinful Men; Creation; Faith, trust, believe in Jesus
Gehoor:Buddhist; General
Genre:Bible Stories & Teac
Doel:Evangelism; Teaching
Bijbelse verwijzing:Minimal

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1. Restoration of one's identity:

Who are you? Where do you find your value?

When you know who you are, then at last you will be able to have the vital power of life. This program will help you find the real `you' and this will help restore your withered inner self. Your value isn't decided by what you do. Because you are valuable, what you do is worth value. When the Creator first made this world, He made you valuable. Now, put your mind at peace and take a deep breath. And slowly inhale the deep aroma of words that can be heard with the music. Slowly and peacefully take in the revelation of your identity. And believe. Now let's start.

Who am I? Who in the world am I?

There is no one in the wold just like me. No one has the same color of hair or facial features as I do. There was no one just like me in the past and there will never be in the future either.

I was created by the Creator's wonderful and beautiful ideas. I am a very special being. The Creator speaks. "I have made you a fascinating and beautiful being. I am happy with you."

From head to toe, I was made especially to look like the Creator. I may look, act and speak like other people in many aspects, but I have a unique value that makes me special and therefore I shall never be like anybody else.

Before, I had wanted to be somebody else, but now I know that there is no need to become anybody else. Instead of trying to be somebody else, I need to find the real me. I look in the mirror and say to myself, "You are valuable just the way you are."

I was born with a purpose in this world. I am not a being that was born without any purpose, like a leaf flowing down the stream, but with a definite purpose and definite mind, which I will use to fulfill the aim that was given to me.

I was born to do good and valuable things. I do not do these things to become good and valuable, but I do these things because I am good and valuable.

I will not strive to become like someone else. I don't need to feel inferior to others who look as if they are better than I am, and I don't have to act superior to others whot look less than I am. I have a value that belongs only to me and cannot be changed with anybody else.

2. Restoration of one's character

Knowing who you really are would have enabled you to find the true value inside yourself. Now I want you to look inside the mirror in your mind's room, and find out what is inside you. You might hear something like this from somewhere. "You're a shy person! You're a hypocrite! You're a selfish and cold person!" Yes, that's right. You're not a perfect being. But don't forget that you have a warmness and kindness which was given to you when you were created. You're not trying to make a good character that was originally not inside you. What you're trying to do is find the beauty that is already inside you, and then begin to acknowledge and express it. Now, open your eyes about yourself. Don't estimate yourself by what others say. Acknowledge yourself. "Yes, I'm this kind of person...."

I like myself. I like feeling and thinking like myself. Also, I like my way of acting. I value myself and accept the way I am right now.

I like myself. Even though it may seem I have insufficiencies, every day I am growing to be a more mature being than I was yesterday.

I am maturing every day. I'm not perfect. I'm simply still growing. Just as an infant learns to walk and run, I myself am growing day by day.

I am always trying to develop my potential, and even when I can't feel my infinite possibility, it shines through me every day.

I have numerous extraordinary gifts. I have talents and skill, and powers that the Creator gave only to me. Moreover, there are infinite talents that I haven't even found yet. Every day I will find these new talents.

I can do what no one else can do. I have a talent of my own and by using that I make people happy and give them joy.

I give people peace. Everybody likes me and I like everybody. I am a very funny and delightful person. People like to hear what I know and have to say and what I think.

I have a warm heart. Sometimes I say I dislike people, but the Creator has made me to have a warm heart so that I can tolerate and accept others.

I have an honest heart. I don't enjoy compromising with injustice and I live in this world truthfully. And I know that in the end, truth will be victorious.

I laugh a lot. I have happiness inside my heart and I feel happiness with what I do. I am thankful for the many blessings given to me, with what I learn and feel every day, and with what I'll learn about in the days to come.

Abraham Lincoln said that when a person turns 40, one should be able to take responsibility for one's face. I am molding the face I will have when I am 40.

I have fun with life. I love life and feel joy through all of life's happenings and the people in it. No painful matters or people who have given me grief could take away the happiness in my heart.

My heart is full of life. No pain, failure, or agony that occur in this world could suppress the life that is deep down in my heart. On the contrary, the vitality in me will burn even more.

I'm positive and I have confidence. The task given to me is an important and a valuable one that is worth doing. I do my best at what is given to me and what I do is something that needs to be done.

I respect others. Everyone I meet is special to me and they are all important people. I respect their good qualities and always want to learn their beautiful sides.

I have several attractive points that others don't possess. I can bring out the best in me and in others. Others have attractive points of their own and my attractiveness makes theirs even more attractive.

I am truly interested in others. And I express that interest. What occurs to other people is important to me and the people know that also.

I am a wonderful listener. I seriously listen with interest about others' beliefs, thoughts, and ideas and discover the potential and excellence in them.

I always help others to freely express themselves. When others speak I always listen carefully and try to give them courage.

I am always considerate of others. I know how they are feeling and respond honestly to their attitudes and am careful about what they believe.

I have a forgiving and accepting heart. Even people who have hurt me and are totally unforgivable I willingly forgive. I accept and forgive myself and tolerate others, including my parents, and accept them just the way they are.

I have a loving heart which goes beyond forgiveness. I love even those who have given me, and those who belong to me, fatal pains. I will love and take care of them and share the good that I have."

3. Restoration of one's possibilities

But, maybe you have these words dormant in your subconscious: "I can't do that. It's no use anyway. It's too hard for me to do. I don't have any talent. It won't work out anyway. There's nothing I can do well." Weren't you addicted to these thoughts for a long time? Addiction to thoughts brings about the addiction to actions. Also this goes from bad to worse by turning into a deep-seated addiction to habits, which in turn forms negative views of life and ways of life. In the end you will build a strong wall of darkness deep inside your mind. Now is the time to make a resolution. You must destroy this strong wall. Whenever dark thoughts seep into your head, you must speak reversely. Start to announce and admit the potential possibilities that you have inside yourself. Then they will begin to demonstrate themselves.

4. Are you ready? Then let's start. Think this:

"I am a being with infinite possibility. The potential in me is just waiting to be shown.

Some people may say that I can't do it, that it's impossible. But the Creator has said that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me and that there is nothing impossible to those who believe."

Throw away the disbelief you had about yourself. Refuse the fear and negative thoughts which have limited the infinite possibility that was given to you.

Think: "I have a purpose given to me and I have a dream. I will not limit myself with short-sightedness. Instead, I will open myself to the world of infinite possibility."

The Creator has spoken: "Open your mouth wide, and I will fill that mouth."

So, say this: "My future will unfold before my eyes just as I have believed in the great dream given to me. Everything is possible with faith.

I have the endurance, drive and persistence that was bestowed to me by the Creator. And I am certain to be victorious of the dream given to me. Throughout hardships and realistic barriers I know the outcome will be the best.

I am growing every day and succeeding every day. I shall never retreat. The bigger the challenge, the more energy and drive I shall be supplied with by the Creator.

There is no such thing as a failure in this world. No matter what pain and disappointments there may be, they are beneficial for the future. I always live with a victorious mind. Even though there is a problem which is disappointing, I will soon regain strength. I deal and solve problems patiently. Whenever I am threatened by disappointments and mistakes I am stronger, more positive, diligent and resolute than ever.

The world is filled with opportunities. I set a goal and don't hesitate and challenge it with joy and love. I tell myself `yes' all the time, and think of what I can do instead of what I can't, and look for things to be thankful for, rather than complain.

I have a blueprint of the future, I plan where I have to go, how I will get there, and when I will get there. But the Creator speaks. Even though a person may plan, the One who leads the way is the Creator.

I plan more definitely and in detail about the blueprint for my life. I plan for the next 10 years, 5 years, 1 year and a month, and I put this to action.

Life does not happen by chance but by choice. I should take absolute responsibility for the position I am in now. My choices and actions are responsible for my fate.

Every day should be a series of successes. True success should not only be in the outcome but also in the process as well. Successful process bears successful outcomes, and successful attitudes bear successful character.

I don't wait until opportunity knocks on the door. Nor do I wait for others to bring in the opportunity. Opportunity is given to me every day.

The opportunity given to me leads to my choices and the choices lead to my responsibilities. I don't make excuses from my choices and what has happened because of them, and I don't turn away from my responsibilities. I willingly take responsibility for my actions, feelings, thoughts and beliefs.

I am happy that I'm not a victim of my surroundings. I make my surroundings. I am a writer who is writing the story of my life. I am not a victim but a conqueror.

I rely on the Creator, Who is planning my life and future in marvelous ways. With positive thinking, determination, courage and with the most positive and worthwhile way I will bring my life to be victorious."

Now that you have found out about yourself I would like to suggest something even more vital to your life. Your life can't be complete without the knowledge of your Creator. The way to know about him is to accept Christ who is the Son of God. Christ has come down to save us from our sins and free us from eternal death. All you have to do is to accept Christ as your Savior and confess Him to be your Lord. If you agree, I can pray with you. Please take this seriously for this is a matter of life and death.

"Heavenly Father, thank You for saving me and freeing me from my sins. Because Christ has died for me and I have accepted Him, I believe I will go to heaven once I die. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray, Amen."

Jesus has talked about what you have done just now in John 6;47: "I say to you, he who believes in Me has everlasting life."