Kibet of Chad

The Kibet are a sub group of the Tama-speaking peoples of Chad
The Kibet are a sub group of the Tama-speaking peoples of Chad

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The Tama-speaking peoples of Chad are divided into several subgroups, which include the Kibet. Most are Muslim but many mix their Islamic practices with witchcraft. The only known Christian resources in this language are some GRN recordings made in the 1960's.

Listen to 'Words of Life' - Kibet:Mouro language.

Most are oral communicators so more GRN materials would be especially suitable for them. Please pray for this opportunity.

More information is available at

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Nieuws - Laatste nieuws over de bediening en beschikbare materialen van Global Recordings Network van over de gehele wereld.

News - What's happening in Australia and the globe.

Kibet: Mouro taalnaam - Informatie over Kibet: Mouro

Tsjaad - Informatie over Tsjaad