Keeping Our Spiritual Fervor

Keeping Our Spiritual Fervor

यो पृष्ठ हाल नेपाली मा उपलब्ध छैन.

"Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord." Rom 12:11(NIV)

This is a vital verse to pray. God wants us to be fervent in our walk with Him. It speaks well of Him when we are passionate about Him. On the other hand, if we lose our spiritual fervor, our lack of zeal and passion brings Him no glory.

How much better to be like King David whose life was full of desire for God. Psalm 27:4 reveals his heart: "...That I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord..." Or like Paul whose burning desire was to know Christ. "That I may know Him" was the driving force of His life for which he counted all things as loss.

God wants all of us to have that same longing and fervor for Himself. He longs for our wholehearted affection. As preacher/writer A.W. Tozer once wrote: "God wants to be wanted." Songwriter Frederick Faber expresses the same thought: "God loves to be longed for; He loves to be sought, for He sought us Himself with such longing and love. He died for desire of us, marvelous thought!" It is God alone who creates in us a hunger for Himself and who alone is the One who can fill that desire.

A huge hindrance to being zealous for God is our love for the things of the world. Satan does a good job of making everything glitter and seem attractive. This is why we need to live in the reality that we have been crucified to the world and not living for our own desires. May the words of that lovely old hymn "Turn your eyes upon Jesus..." be true of us, that "...the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace."

And so, may God make Romans 12:11 a daily reality for us; that we would be a people enamored with the things of the Lord, and that He would keep us from anything that would rob us of our zeal for Him. After all, the Message we have been entrusted to proclaim overflows with the passionate heart that God has for the lost - and we need to share it with a passionate heart!

As messengers, our lives should be consistent with the Message. With Christ in us, that is wonderfully possible.

Colin Stott
Global Prayer Coordinator

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Prayer Thoughts - Read Colin Stott's (GRN's Global Prayer Coordinator) articles on some practical aspect of prayer.