Follow Up (part 1)

Follow Up (part 1)

개요: A new life starts when you receive Jesus. Tell others about Him. Others will see a change in you. Be a brave witness. You might not be understood. Stay in close contact with Jesus. Pray and read the Bible.

스크립트 번호: 350

언어: English

주제: Character of God (Holy Spirit); Living as a Christian (Prayer, petition, Suffering for Christ, Witnessing, Spiritual Growth, Faith, trust, believe in Jesus, Christian values, Humility)

청중: New Christian

스타일: Monolog

장르: Bible Stories & Teac

목적: Teaching

성경 인용: Extensive

지위: Approved

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스크립트 텍스트

"As you have received the Lord Jesus Christ, walk in Him." (Col. 2:6)

Yes, dear friend, walk joyously and without fear, with Jesus Christ. He said, "Fear not for I have redeemed you: I have called you by your name and you are mine." (Isa. 43:1)

Perhaps after you have accepted Jesus you have not felt anything extraordinary. Or maybe a tremendous joy was born in your heart. This is not the important thing. Your faith must not be based on all that you feel or think, but on all the Word of God.

When Jesus went back to heaven, God sent the Holy Spirit in His place. He is the Spirit of Jesus and of God. His work is to help us to know Jesus, and all that we have in Him. It is with His help that you have confessed your sins and received Jesus and it is through the Holy Spirit that Jesus now lives in your heart. He is also the One Who says to you, "From now on you are the child of God."

If you have received Jesus, a new life has begun, and this life must continue. How should this be?

First of all, don't keep your decision to follow Jesus, a secret. The sun cannot help shining even when dark clouds are in front of it, and the birds cannot help singing. In the same way, the one who receives Jesus and lives in His light cannot hide Him or keep still about Him. A friendship begins quietly between two people, but later everyone around them can see that they are friends, and they speak easily of one another, and do things together. If Jesus has become your friend, you will go from one discovery to another, because He is such a wonderful friend, and you do things with Him and through Him. Because you love Him you will seek to please Him. While He was on the earth He was obedient, served others, was humble, honest and gentle. Of course your desire will be to follow the same way. You will say "no" to what displeases Him: selfishness, jealousy, quarreling, disputing, dishonesty, etc. Because He loves you so much, and His love fills your heart, you will start giving what you have received, by loving others without realizing it.

Others will see the change in you. They will see your light shine, which is the light Jesus put in you. Then you can explain the reason for this change, and tell them that you love the Lord, that He found you and saved you. This will help to strengthen your faith.

Jesus was not understood by His family, and in the world He was despised and rejected. He warned His friends that they would not be better treated than He. Today many Christians are persecuted and some are even killed for their faith in Jesus. Pray for them. And if you feel alone, if people laugh at you, or if your life becomes very difficult, know that this is nothing unusual. And you are never alone in your trouble, for Jesus is with you all the time, and your reward in heaven will be greater than all your troubles. Don't be ashamed of Him, and tell others about Him whenever you can. Be a faithful and brave witness.

In order to continue this new life, you must stay in close contact with Jesus. Talk to Him, and let Him talk to you. When you pray, it is you who talks to Him, and He has promised to listen. In the Bible it is He Who speaks to you, and it is up to you to listen. You can pray to Him any time, anywhere, about anything. He is never away. However, it is good to make a habit of praying at certain times, such as in the morning before starting the day, and at night before retiring. A grateful person also likes to thank God for His food before each meal.

Between two friends there is always much conversation, but some people find it hard to know what to talk about, when praying. Saying "thank you" is a good way to begin, and if you look for them, you will be surprised at how many things there are to be thankful for. And of course you will want to say "Forgive me, Lord," if you have done everything for yourself and nothing for the needs of others - your family, your friends, those who suffer, the servants of God, the leaders of your country. And pray much for the spread of the Gospel throughout the world.


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