Only True Religion

Only True Religion

개요: When God first created people, they were good, but soon they disobeyed and sin came in. The wages of sin are the ways of sickness and death. So God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to this earth to be born like us and prepare a way so we could be saved. This then is the only true religion, for others are made up by men. Come to Jesus to receive His rest and receive His religion for everlasting life.

스크립트 번호: COM2

언어: English

주제: Christ (Saviour of Sinful Men, Birth of Christ); Living as a Christian (No other gods, idols, Faith, trust, believe in Jesus); Eternal life (Rest for our souls); Bible timeline (Creation)

청중: Animist; Catholic; General

스타일: Monolog

장르: Exhortation

목적: Evangelism

성경 인용: Extensive

지위: Approved

이 스크립트는 다른 언어로 번역 및 녹음을위한 기본 지침입니다. 그것은 그것이 사용되는 각 영역에 맞게 다른 문화와 언어로 조정되어야 합니다. 사용되는 몇 가지 용어와 개념은 다른 문화에서는 다듬어지거나 생략해야 할 수도 있습니다.

스크립트 텍스트

This preaching is going to be in the WA language, so listen carefully. Now, oh brothers, I want to tell you a little about the Religion.

Long, long ago when the heavens, the waters, and the earth first came into being, when cattle began to call, when the herbs began to sprout, and the rocks were formed, God created us, the children of men, in His own image, on this earth. They were without any sin at all. However, because the children of men transgressed the word of God, and gave heed to the tempting words of the Devil, we children of men became sinful-- and the wages of sin are the ways of sickness and death. So we the children of men on this earth went astray from the way of life, and there was not even one person who sought after God, and there was not even one person that was righteous.

It was in such a time that God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, upon this earth to be born like us. Moreover, He (the Lord), came to prepare a way for us, in order that we might be freed from sin and might obtain everlasting life in Him (the Lord).

For this reason, oh brothers, although there are many kinds of religions of the children of men upon this earth, they are religions that have been conceived only by the children of men, and are not truly of God. Nor can they give any blessing to us. However, the only TRUE RELIGION of God is the religion of the LORD JESUS CHRIST---which we preach.

As it is written in God's Book "To all who received Him, who believed in His Name, He gave power to became the children of God." (JOHN 1:12).

Brothers, if you have not yet believed the Lord Jesus Christ, nor received His religion, believe Him (the Lord) and accept His religion, now.

O brothers, children of the fathers, if you wish to obtain blessing and everlasting life, it is only through the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus Himself said,"Come to Me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." (Matt 11:28). Therefore, if you wish to be freed from sin, and obtain everlasting life, believe the message that we preach and receive this religion of the Lord Jesus Christ today.


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