The Fear of Death

The Fear of Death

개요: Discussion of fetishes and customs used because of fears. Satan the author of all such. His deceptions of various kinds are causing us to sin etc. This will lead ultimately to death and suffering in hell. Follow the words of God; believe on Jesus; receive forgiveness and help. Ultimate end will be heaven and happiness.

스크립트 번호: 164

언어: English

주제: Sin and Satan (Sin, disobedience, Satan (the devil), Slavery to sin); Christ (Son of God); Belief System (Syncretism); Living as a Christian (Leaving old way, begin new way, Forgiveness); Life event (Death); Problems (Fear)

청중: Animist

스타일: Dialog

장르: Messages and Fiction

목적: Evangelism

성경 인용: None

지위: Approved

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스크립트 텍스트

1. Brother, how is it that you do not wear anything on your arm or use any fetishes? Are you not afraid of what may happen?

2. No, I am not afraid. Let me explain to you about these fears. There are only two kinds of fears in the world. One kind is from God, and one is from Satan. We Yorubas (name local tribe) are full of the fear of Satan. We are afraid of death.

1. Yes, we are afraid of death.

2. When a child is sick we kill a goat because we are afraid. (Use local practice). We are afraid of many other things because we are afraid of death. This fear has bound us. It has made us like blind people who do not know where they are going. We walk in darkness. These customs have come from the lies of Satan. He is the father of all evil. He has deceived us. He makes us think we have to use fetishes and offer sacrifices and worship evil spirits (Idols, spirits of the dead, Satan, etc.) and other things that are not the true God. Satan holds us as slaves. He wants us to serve him. He puts evil into our hearts. He puts jealousy and pride and hatred there. He makes us quarrel with other people. He makes us stubborn so we refuse to take the advice of those who know. He gives us a desire for the things of the world, and for evil pleasures. He makes us want to drink strong drink; first a little, and then a lot, because he knows it will lead us into many other sins. (His traps of many kinds). He blinds us so we think it is a small thing to commit adultery, or to take many wives, or get divorces. He also makes stealing a small thing. We think it is all right to steal or lie or commit adultery if nobody knows it. (If done in secret). He makes us forget that God sees all our sins, even those done in secret. By these and many other ways Satan has brought blindness and fear to us. We think it is good to follow him. But if we follow him, who is the father of evil, when we die we will arrive at his place. That is the place of fire which God has made for him. Satan does not want to suffer there alone; he wants all of us to suffer with him. It is this place that we must fear. The true God is stronger than Satan, and we must truly fear if we are not following God's words. God hates the ways of Satan. No person can carry the words of God and the words of Satan together in his heart. These words cannot be united. For this reason, death is nothing to fear. It is the place of fire after death that we must fear. The only way to get rid of that fear is to stop following Satan. When we follow Satan we are filled with the fear of Satan. But God is stronger than Satan. If we follow the words of God we will have no fear of Satan of other evil spirits and sorcery;. We will not even fear death.

1. How can we truly follow the words of God?

2. If you want to follow the words of God you must leave all the ways of Satan. You must believe on Jesus, God's only Son. He loved us and died for us. He shed His blood to make the payment (sacrifice) for our sins. If you believe on Him, God will forgive your sins. He will put His own Holy Spirit into your heart. He will live there and help you to obey the words of God. He will help you to walk on God's path. Jesus will go with you on God's path. If you follow Him you will arrive at His good place when you die. Some people say they are following Jesus but they have not left the way of Satan. But God sees the heart of everyone and He knows who is on His path. You may talk to Him. He will hear you.


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