Dobel: Southeast language

Language name: Dobel: Southeast
ISO Language Name: Dobel [kvo]
GRN Language Number: 9337
Language State: Verified
ROD Dialect Code:

Audio recordings available in Dobel: Southeast

These recordings are designed for evangelism and basic Bible teaching to bring the gospel message to people who are not literate or are from oral cultures, particularly unreached people groups.

Mark (in Dobel)

Audio Bible readings of whole books of specific, recognized, translated Scripture with little or no commentary.

Yesus Akwara [Christmas Story and Songs] (in Dobel)

Audio Bible readings of whole books of specific, recognized, translated Scripture with little or no commentary.

Other names for Dobel: Southeast

Dobel: Southeast Dobel
Southeast Dobel

Where Dobel: Southeast is spoken


Languages related to Dobel: Southeast

People Groups who speak Dobel: Southeast


Information about Dobel: Southeast

Population: 7,000

Work with GRN on this language

Are you passionate about Jesus and communicating the Christian gospel to those who have never heard the Bible message in their heart language? Are you a mother tongue speaker of this language or do you know someone who is? Would you like to help us by researching or providing information about this language, or help us find someone who can help us translate or record it? Would you like to sponsor recordings in this or any other language? If so, please Contact the GRN Language Hotline.

Note that GRN is a non profit organization, and does not pay for translators or language helpers. All assistance is given voluntarily.

GRN also has opportunities for Christians to contribute meaningfully to evangelizing unreached people groups through audio Bible stories, Bible lessons, Bible study tools, evangelistic messages, songs and music. You can assist missions or churches involved in evangelism or church planting through sponsoring or distributing materials. We also have exciting opportunities to be involved in missions remotely from wherever you are in the world. If you regularly attend a Christian church, and believe the Bible, you can play a part in mission, and see unreached people groups hear the gospel of Jesus Christ. Contact your local GRN office.