Pitjantjatjara: Kayili language

Language name: Pitjantjatjara: Kayili
ISO Language Name: Ngaanyatjarra [ntj]
GRN Language Number: 3901
Language State: Not Verified
ROD Dialect Code:

Audio recordings available in Pitjantjatjara: Kayili

Recordings in related languages

Jonah & Jesus Stills The Storm (in Ngaanyatjarra)

Messages from native believers for evangelism, growth and encouragement. May have denominational emphasis but follows mainstream Christian teaching.

Luukaku Tjukurrpa 1 & 2 [Luke 1 & 2 (Christmas Story)] (in Ngaanyatjarra)

Audio Bible readings of whole books of specific, recognized, translated Scripture with little or no commentary. Mama Kuurrku Wangka, 2007

Maakaku Tjukurrpa [Mark] (in Ngaanyatjarra)

Audio Bible readings of whole books of specific, recognized, translated Scripture with little or no commentary. Mama Kuurrku Wangka, 2007

Mirlirrtjarralaya Yingkangu 1996 (in Ngaanyatjarra)

Compilations of Christian music, songs or hymns.

Ngurra Pirningkatja 2000 (in Ngaanyatjarra)

Compilations of Christian music, songs or hymns.

Purtun Kuliranyanka [Orange Pastoral Leaflet] (in Ngaanyatjarra)

Mixed Songs and Scripture ministry programs.

Story of Beginning (in Ngaanyatjarra)

Audio or video presentations of Bible stories in summarised or interpreted form.

Tjiitjalu-tjananya Purti Katungurlu Ninitipungkula [Sermon on the Mount] (in Ngaanyatjarra)

Messages from native believers for evangelism, growth and encouragement. May have denominational emphasis but follows mainstream Christian teaching.

Tjukurrpa Kurluny-kurlunypa Pirninya [Proverbs Selections] (in Ngaanyatjarra)

Audio Bible readings of small sections of specific, recognized, translated Scripture with little or no commentary. Mama Kuurrku Wangka, 2007

Tjukurrpa Tannyulngatjarra [Daniel 3 & 6] (in Ngaanyatjarra)

Audio Bible readings of whole books of specific, recognized, translated Scripture with little or no commentary. Fiery Furnace and Lions Den. Mama Kuurrku Wangka, 2007

Tjukurrpa Tjawitjanyatjarra [Joseph & Songs] (in Ngaanyatjarra)

Short audio Bible stories and evangelistic messages that explain salvation and give basic Christian teaching. Each program is a customised and culturally relevant selection of scripts, and may include songs and music.

Tjukurrpa Tjiitjanya Mirirrinytja [Easter Story] (in Ngaanyatjarra)

Messages from native believers for evangelism, growth and encouragement. May have denominational emphasis but follows mainstream Christian teaching.

Turlku Pirninya [Psalms Selections] (in Ngaanyatjarra)

Audio Bible readings of small sections of specific, recognized, translated Scripture with little or no commentary. Psalms: 1, 23, 46, 51, 63, 91, 100, 119(part), 126, 136 & 146 Mama Kuurrku Wangka, 2007

Yiitjikulku Tjukurrpa [Ezekiel Selections] (in Ngaanyatjarra)

Audio Bible readings of small sections of specific, recognized, translated Scripture with little or no commentary. Mama Kuurrku Wangka, 2007

Yuwa Walykumunu [Now you are a Christian] (in Ngaanyatjarra)

Audio versions of printed publications, other than scripture.

Audio/Video from other sources

Bible - Ngaanyatjarra - (Aboriginal Bibles)

Other names for Pitjantjatjara: Kayili

Warburton Ranges: Northern

Where Pitjantjatjara: Kayili is spoken


Languages related to Pitjantjatjara: Kayili

People Groups who speak Pitjantjatjara: Kayili


Work with GRN on this language

Are you passionate about Jesus and communicating the Christian gospel to those who have never heard the Bible message in their heart language? Are you a mother tongue speaker of this language or do you know someone who is? Would you like to help us by researching or providing information about this language, or help us find someone who can help us translate or record it? Would you like to sponsor recordings in this or any other language? If so, please Contact the GRN Language Hotline.

Note that GRN is a non profit organization, and does not pay for translators or language helpers. All assistance is given voluntarily.