
Information about ルクセンブルク

Area (sq km):2,586
FIPS Country Code:LU
ISO Country Code:LU
GRN Office:

Map of ルクセンブルク

Map of ルクセンブルク

Languages and dialects spoken in ルクセンブルク

  • Other Language Options
    Recordings Available
    Language Names
    Indigenous languages

Found 3 language names

French [France] - ISO Language [fra]

German, Standard [Germany] - ISO Language [deu]

Luxembourgish - ISO Language [ltz]

People Groups in ルクセンブルク

Americans, U.S.; Arab; British; Cape Verdean; Danish; Deaf; Dutch; Fleming; French; German; Greek; Italian; Jew, German Speaking; Luxemburger; Portuguese; South Asian, general; Spaniard; Swedish; Turk; Walloon; Yugoslav former, general;