
Blogs with inside information and personal opinions from GRN members around the world

The Joy of Giving a Report

Christine Platt - Friday 25 September 2015

Last week was GRN Australia’s AGM and tomorrow we have an open day at our office. Both events are a lot of work. They also give pause to reflect on recent events and to think about the future; to rejoice over all that God has done and give thanks for answered prayer.

I am so thankful for the answered prayer. We have several new staff members doing jobs we specifically asked for: graphic designers, studio staff, computer people, recordists, and translators. We have finished major tasks: digitising all our analogue recordings and having our 5fish app released on iTunes as well as Android.

The year has brought its share of challenges, which leaves us in no doubt that we are depending on God in every respect. Just our growth has brought along challenges as we get new people working well and productively. There are prayers to which we have not seen answers, or at least have not fully recognised the answer.

We see challenges ahead. We need a new roof. We need more studio space – praise God for the new studio staff! Our work in South Africa, Myanmar, PNG and South Africa is growing – praise God! And Lord, please help us!

It’s looking back at God’s faithfulness in the past that gives hope for God’s help in the present and the future. So these opportunities to report back to our board, members and ministry partners really are a joy and hopefully they also build up the faith and hope of those who receive the reports as they rejoice with us.