Chinantec de Ayotzintepec lingua

Nome della lingua: Chinantec de Ayotzintepec
Nome Lingua ISO: Ozumacín Chinantec [chz]
Stato della Lingua: Verified
Numero GRN della lingua: 8809
IETF Language Tag: chz-x-HIS08809
ROLV (ROD) Lingua Varietà Codice: 08809

Registrazioni audio disponibili in Chinantec de Ayotzintepec

Al momento non abbiamo registrazioni disponibili in questa lingua.

Audio/Video da altre fonti

New Testament - Chinantec, Ozumacin - (La Liga Biblica)
Scripture resources - Chinantec, Ozumacín - (Scripture Earth)
The New Testament - Chinantec de Ozumacin - (Faith Comes By Hearing)

Altri nomi per Chinantec de Ayotzintepec

Chinantec, Ozumacin: Ayotzintepec

Dove si parla Chinantec de Ayotzintepec


Lingue relative a Chinantec de Ayotzintepec

Informazioni su Chinantec de Ayotzintepec

Altre informazioni: Ozumacin Chinantec is so named for originally it was a single town where that variant of Chinantec was spoken. In the 1950s a small group of people established another town lower in the valley to the east, the town of Ayotzintepec. After that another group of people formed a town in the valley to the west - Santiago Progreso. So there are now three towns that speak the very same variant. There is a recording of the Gospel of John and I will try to find the website where that is posted and forward it to you. Here is the link to the Gospel of John recording. I should have said explicitly in my previous message that the Ozumancin Chinantec language is now spoken in 3 towns: Ozumacin, Ayotzintepec and Progreso. God Bless.

Popolazione: 7,333

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