Firman Hidup - Kakchikel: Chimaltenango

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Cerita pendek Alkitab, pesan penginjilan dan mungkin terdapat musik dan nyanyian. Berisi penjelasan mengenai keselamatan dan pengajaran Kristen dasar.

Nomor Program: C16020
Nama bahasa: Kakchikel: Chimaltenango

Durasi Program: 51:42

Attributes of God


1. Attributes of God

There is no God like You!


2. There is no God like You!

The Creation and Fall


3. The Creation and Fall

Do You Know God?


4. Do You Know God?

God's Hatred of Sin


5. God's Hatred of Sin

Freedom from Fear


6. Freedom from Fear

They will believe one day!


7. They will believe one day!

Prepare for the Future


8. Prepare for the Future

Are You Going to Heaven?


9. Are You Going to Heaven?

There in Heaven


10. There in Heaven

The Gadarene


11. The Gadarene

Creation and Redemption (dialogue)


12. Creation and Redemption (dialogue)



13. Gehazi



14. Barabbas

The Lord offers salvation


15. The Lord offers salvation

Everyone Must Stand Before God


16. Everyone Must Stand Before God

God Can Change Our Nature


17. God Can Change Our Nature

The Return of Christ


18. The Return of Christ

My heart is content


19. My heart is content

Basic Principles


20. Basic Principles

Victory and Steadfastness


21. Victory and Steadfastness

They will believe one day


22. They will believe one day

Rekaman ini mungkin tidak memenuhi standar kualitas audio GRN. Kami berharap isi pesan yang Anda dengar dapat mengatasi gangguan yang ada. Mohon sampaikan pendapat Anda tentang rekaman ini.

Mengunduh dan Memesan

Rekaman-rekaman ini didesain bagi penginjilan dan pelajaran dasar Alkitab untuk memberikan kabar baik bagi masyarakat yang tidak melek huruf, atau terisolasi budaya, utamanya masyarakat yang sulit untuk dijangkau.

Copyright © 1981 Global Recordings Network. This recording may be freely copied for personal or local ministry use on condition that it is not modified, and it is not sold or bundled with other products which are sold.

Hubungi for inquiries about allowable use of these recordings, or to obtain permission to redistribute them in ways other than allowed above.

To order this recording on cassette or CD, or to get information on local ministry conditions or how to use these materials effectively, contact your nearest GRN office. Note that not all recordings or all formats are available from every office.

Making recordings is costly. Please consider donating to GRN to enable this ministry to continue.

We would love to hear your feedback about how you might use this recording, and what are the results. Hubungi Jalur Saran.

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GRN memiliki MP3 tentang cerita-cerita Alkitab, lagu-lagu pujian, musik Kristiani dan kabar baik yang diterjemahkan lebih dari 6000 bahasa dan dialek, tersedia secara online dan gratis untuk diunduh. MP3S dan tulisan gratis tentang misi-misi organisasi-organisasi Kristiani dan gereja-gereja Kristiani yang cocok untuk tujuan penginjilan tersedia. Kisah-kisah Alkitab, pujian-pujian dan musik dalam bahasa ibu dimaksudkan untuk mengkomunikasikan ajaran Yesus Kristus dalam budaya yang berhubungan, dan khususnya dalam kalangan masyarakat.

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