Catechism - Gujarati Katchi Kohli

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Doktrin, katekisasi, dan pengajaran lainnya untuk orang Kristen baru.

Nomor Program: A75200
Nama bahasa: Gujarati Katchi Kohli

Durasi Program: 21:39

Who is God


1. Who is God

What is God' Love like?


2. What is God' Love like?

What is Sin?


3. What is Sin?

What is Death?


4. What is Death?

Where does the Spirit go after Death?


5. Where does the Spirit go after Death?

What is Heaven?


6. What is Heaven?

What is Hell?


7. What is Hell?

What should I do to get to Heaven


8. What should I do to get to Heaven

How do I become a Christian


9. How do I become a Christian

Who is your God


10. Who is your God

Why do Christians eat unclean things


11. Why do Christians eat unclean things

Should I eat with people of other casts


12. Should I eat with people of other casts

Does God love all men equal


13. Does God love all men equal

Will all


14. Will all "christians" go to heaven

Was Jesus born of a virgin?


15. Was Jesus born of a virgin?

Is there any difference between Jesus and other Gods?


16. Is there any difference between Jesus and other Gods?

Mengunduh dan Memesan

Rekaman-rekaman ini didesain bagi penginjilan dan pelajaran dasar Alkitab untuk memberikan kabar baik bagi masyarakat yang tidak melek huruf, atau terisolasi budaya, utamanya masyarakat yang sulit untuk dijangkau.

Copyright © 1989 Global Recordings Network. This recording may be freely copied for personal or local ministry use on condition that it is not modified, and it is not sold or bundled with other products which are sold.

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Making recordings is costly. Please consider donating to GRN to enable this ministry to continue.

We would love to hear your feedback about how you might use this recording, and what are the results. Hubungi Jalur Saran.

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