Cantiques 2 - Buhutu

Cet enregistrement est-il utile ?

Sélection de musique chrétienne, chansons et cantiques.

Numéro de Programme: 62769
Durée du Programme: 43:38
Langue requise: Buhutu

Téléchargements et Commandes

Sg: Jesus is our Saviour, this is our Prière


1. Sg: Jesus is our Saviour, this is our Prière

Sg: Jesus O Jesus there is a name like You


2. Sg: Jesus O Jesus there is a name like You

Sg: Lord your face is all I see


3. Sg: Lord your face is all I see

Sg: Jesus is the way of Life


4. Sg: Jesus is the way of Life

Sg: The life is in me


5. Sg: The life is in me

Sg: Many flowers


6. Sg: Many flowers

Sg: Jesus, Jesus


7. Sg: Jesus, Jesus

Sg: Mine, mine, mine


8. Sg: Mine, mine, mine

Sg: Jesus I thank you


9. Sg: Jesus I thank you

Sg: My brother & sister


10. Sg: My brother & sister

Sg: I have decided to follow Jesus


11. Sg: I have decided to follow Jesus

Sg: Wide, wide as the ocean


12. Sg: Wide, wide as the ocean

Sg: Through God


13. Sg: Through God

Sg: Jesus we are thirsty


14. Sg: Jesus we are thirsty

Sg: God made me


15. Sg: God made me

Sg: Christ has died


16. Sg: Christ has died

Sg: We are God's children


17. Sg: We are God's children

Sg: Yes I love you in the name of the Lord


18. Sg: Yes I love you in the name of the Lord

Sg: Into my heart come Lord Jesus


19. Sg: Into my heart come Lord Jesus

Sg: Lord I'm coming home


20. Sg: Lord I'm coming home

Sg: The Blood of Jesus


21. Sg: The Blood of Jesus

Sg: Jesus just a mention of your name


22. Sg: Jesus just a mention of your name

Sg: Wisdom has already come


23. Sg: Wisdom has already come

Sg: Your everlasting love


24. Sg: Your everlasting love

Sg: Where would I be


25. Sg: Where would I be

Sg: I love, I love this man of galilee


26. Sg: I love, I love this man of galilee

Téléchargements et Commandes

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Téléchargements gratuits - Ici vous allez trouver le texte pour les principaux messages GRN en plusieurs langues, plus des images et autres documents prêts à télécharger

La collection d'Enregistrements de GRN - Matériel d'évangélisation et d'enseignement biblique de base adapté aux besoins et à la culture du peuple, dans une variété de styles et de formats.

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