
Information à propos de Espagne

Region: Europe
Capital: Madrid
Population: 47,520,000
Area (sq km): 504,783
FIPS Country Code: SP
ISO Country Code: ES
GRN Office: Grabaciones Buenas Nuevas Spain

Map of Espagne

Map of Espagne

Langues et dialectes parlés en Espagne

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Trouvé 14 noms de langues

Aragonese [Aragón] - ISO Language [arg]

Aragonese: Eastern [Spain] [arg]

Basque [Spain] - ISO Language [eus]

Basque: Guipuzcoan [Spain] [eus]

Basque: Western [Spain] [eus]

Caló [Spain] - ISO Language [rmq]

Catalan: Central [Andorra] [cat]

Catalan: Northwestern [Spain] [cat]

Catalonian Sign Language [Spain] - ISO Language [csc]

Espanol [Spain] [spa]

Francais: Gitan [Spain] [fra]

Galicien [Galicia] - ISO Language [glg]

Spanish [Spain] - ISO Language [spa]

Spanish Sign Language [Spain] - ISO Language [ssp]

Groupes de personnes en Espagne

Americans, U.S. ▪ Anusim, Crypto-Jew ▪ Arab, Lebanese ▪ Arab, Moroccan ▪ Aragonese ▪ Armenian ▪ Asturian ▪ Basque ▪ Berber, Canary Islands ▪ Black African, general ▪ British ▪ Bulgarian ▪ Cape Verdean ▪ Catalonian ▪ Cuban ▪ Danish ▪ Deaf ▪ Dutch ▪ Extremaduran ▪ Fala ▪ Filipino, Tagalog ▪ Finnish ▪ French ▪ Galician ▪ Gascon ▪ German ▪ German Swiss ▪ Greek ▪ Gypsy, Spanish, Gitano ▪ Han Chinese, Mandarin ▪ Irish ▪ Italian ▪ Japanese ▪ Jew, Spanish ▪ Jew, Spanish Speaking ▪ Korean ▪ Kurd, Kurmanji ▪ Latin American ▪ Latin American, Mestizo ▪ Lithuanian ▪ Norwegian ▪ Persian ▪ Polish ▪ Portuguese ▪ Romanian ▪ Romani, Calo ▪ Romani, Vlax ▪ Russian ▪ South Asian, general ▪ Spaniard ▪ Swedish ▪ Turk ▪ Ukrainian ▪ Valencian

Nouvelles à propos de Espagne

Grabaciones Buenas Nuevas Spain - General information, articles, news and contact details about GRN Spain.