The Christian's Testimony

The Christian's Testimony

Esquema: Conversation between two Christians commenting on quarreling women in the village and their testimony as Christians. Man confesses he was the same; then found his problem was "self." He found peace when he stopped being a slave to self-will and allowed Jesus to be his master.

Número de guión: 012

Idioma: English

Tema: Character of God (Love of God); Living as a Christian (Prayer, petition, Church, Christianity, Spiritual Growth, Peace (between men), Family, relationships, Christian values); Sin and Satan (Deliverance, Sin, disobedience, Shame, Heart, soul of man, Slavery to sin)

Audiencia: New Christian

Estilo: Dialog

Tipo: Messages and Fiction

Propósito: Teaching

Citación Biblica: Paraphrase

Estado: Approved

Los guiones son pautas básicas para la traducción y grabación a otros idiomas. Deben adaptarse según sea necesario para que sean comprendidas y relevantes para cada cultura e idioma diferentes. Algunos términos y conceptos utilizados pueden necesitar más explicación o incluso ser reemplazados o omitidos por completo.

Guión de texto

1. Do you hear that noise over there? (Put in sound of two angry women in distance).
2. Yes, those two women are fighting again. They do not have any peace between them. It is very bad. Their village has no joy because of these two women.

1. That is too bad. I thought those women were Christians. Were they not baptized?
2. Yes, they were baptized. And they say they are following Jesus. The whole village says they do.

1. If that is true, then what is the matter with them?
2. My brother, I can tell you this. I used to be just like those two women. I had no peace in my heart. Our home had no joy. I did not really love my wife as the Bible says I should. I am ashamed to say it, but I would often beat her. And I often argued and quarreled with my friends.

1. But I thought you were a Christian for many years. Isn't that true?
2. Oh yes. I did believe that Jesus was the Saviour and I thought I was following Him truly. But do you know what caused me to act like that?

1. No. What was it? I would like to know.
2. Friend, my trouble was sin. And that sin was MYSELF. It was not the fault of my wife. It was myself. Even though I did believe the words of Jesus, my own desire bound me. I was a slave to my desires. When I wanted to beat my wife, I beat her. When I wanted to disagree with my wife, I insisted on my own way. My home was terrible. Ask my wife, she will tell you.

1. Oh, I understand, my friend. But could not God help you?
2. Oh yes, I praise Him that He did help me. One day He showed me my own heart. He showed me that I did not love God as I should. I was saying, "Jesus is my Master," but I did not do what He said. I only followed my own will. Then He showed me that His Spirit must control my heart, and that I must refuse to follow my own way. When I saw all this, I knew how very sinful I had been. I prayed to God for deliverance from this terrible slavery to desire. And He answered my prayer and freed me, so that now Jesus is truly my Master. Now our home is full of joy and peace. Together my wife and I worship God. Together we take care of our children and teach them God's Word.

1. Now I see why you are always happy. It is because Jesus is indeed your Master.

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