Catechism - Marwari

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Lehrsätze, Katechismen und weitere Lehreinheiten für neue Christen.

Programmnummer: C75208
Name der Sprache: Marwari

Programmlänge: 57:51

Lied: The Name of Jesus is Beautiful

Lied: The Name of Jesus is Beautiful



Lied: Prepare for the Lord's Coming

Lied: Prepare for the Lord's Coming

Birth of Christ - Luke 2: 8-20

Birth of Christ - Luke 2: 8-20

Birth of Christ - Matthew 2: 1-12

Birth of Christ - Matthew 2: 1-12

Lied: Satan has Deceived Men

Lied: Satan has Deceived Men

Jesus Calms the Storm

Jesus Calms the Storm

Disciples Stop Children

Disciples Stop Children

The Poor Widow's Offering

The Poor Widow's Offering

Lied: Christ be With Us

Lied: Christ be With Us

Jesus Walks on Water

Jesus Walks on Water

Jesus Heals the Blind Man

Jesus Heals the Blind Man

The Foolish Rich man

The Foolish Rich man

Lied: We Are Beholden to Jesus

Lied: We Are Beholden to Jesus

Jesus Heals 10 Lepers

Jesus Heals 10 Lepers

The Greatest Commandment

The Greatest Commandment

Lied: Ask Forgiveness for your Sins

Lied: Ask Forgiveness for your Sins

The Sinner's Dream

The Sinner's Dream

The Lord's Gebet

The Lord's Gebet

The Grace

The Grace

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