Jesu Oyoya 61 - 96 [Der lebendige Christus 61 - 96] - Sikwangwa

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Eine chronologische Bibel-Unterrichtsserie von der Schöpfung bis zum zweiten kommen von Christus in 120 Bildern. Vermittelt ein Grundverständnis des Charakters und der Lehre von Jesus.

Programmnummer: A65314
Name der Sprache: Sikwangwa

Programmlänge: 47:58



1. Einführung

Anyine Yo Munene Onene mu Mubuso wa Nyambe? (Bild 61. Who is the Greatest in God's Kingdom?)


2. Anyine Yo Munene Onene mu Mubuso wa Nyambe? (Bild 61. Who is the Greatest in God's Kingdom?)

Enguli no Mukoko Notauka (Bild 62. Parable of the Lost Sheep)


3. Enguli no Mukoko Notauka (Bild 62. Parable of the Lost Sheep)

Enguli no Mubika na Kwalemena (Bild 63. Parable of the Unforgiving Servant)


4. Enguli no Mubika na Kwalemena (Bild 63. Parable of the Unforgiving Servant)

Omukati nolemiwa Yohula (Bild 64. The Woman Caught in Adultery)


5. Omukati nolemiwa Yohula (Bild 64. The Woman Caught in Adultery)

Jesu Yo Balisa Omulume no Elekiwa Yokamono (Bild 65. Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind)


6. Jesu Yo Balisa Omulume no Elekiwa Yokamono (Bild 65. Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind)

Enguli no Mulisani Nongana (Bild 66. Parable of the Good Shepherd)


7. Enguli no Mulisani Nongana (Bild 66. Parable of the Good Shepherd)

Enguli no MuSamaliya Nongana (Bild 67. Parable of the Good Samaritan)


8. Enguli no MuSamaliya Nongana (Bild 67. Parable of the Good Samaritan)

Jesu Yoli ba Mundi wa Maliya ni Maleta (Bild 68. Jesus at the Home of Mary and Martha)


9. Jesu Yoli ba Mundi wa Maliya ni Maleta (Bild 68. Jesus at the Home of Mary and Martha)

Enguli no Mulikani bakachi no Osiku (Bild 69. Parable of the Friend at Midnight)


10. Enguli no Mulikani bakachi no Osiku (Bild 69. Parable of the Friend at Midnight)

Enguli no Mufumi no Sanga (Bild 70. Parable of the Rich Fool)


11. Enguli no Mufumi no Sanga (Bild 70. Parable of the Rich Fool)

Omubika no Kutukisanga Okuka no Mulena (Bild 71. Servants Ready for their Master's Return)


12. Omubika no Kutukisanga Okuka no Mulena (Bild 71. Servants Ready for their Master's Return)

Jesu Yobalisa Omukati no Lyondondo (Bild 72. Jesus Heals a Crippled Woman)


13. Jesu Yobalisa Omukati no Lyondondo (Bild 72. Jesus Heals a Crippled Woman)

Enguli no Mukiti Omunene (Bild 73. Parable of the Great Feast)


14. Enguli no Mukiti Omunene (Bild 73. Parable of the Great Feast)

Enguli no Pene Netauka (Bild 74. Parable of the Lost Coin)


15. Enguli no Pene Netauka (Bild 74. Parable of the Lost Coin)

Enguli no Mwana Notauka (Bild 75. Parable of the Lost Son)


16. Enguli no Mwana Notauka (Bild 75. Parable of the Lost Son)

Omwana Notauka Yoli mukachi no Ekulube (Bild 76. The Lost Son Among the Pigs)


17. Omwana Notauka Yoli mukachi no Ekulube (Bild 76. The Lost Son Among the Pigs)

Omwana Notauka Aba Nakauka ku Mundi (Bild 77. The Lost Son Returns Home)


18. Omwana Notauka Aba Nakauka ku Mundi (Bild 77. The Lost Son Returns Home)

Omunu no Kufuma ni Ñumbe (Bild 78. The Rich Man and the Beggar)


19. Omunu no Kufuma ni Ñumbe (Bild 78. The Rich Man and the Beggar)

Jesu aba Naingula Lazalo kwa Afu (Bild 79. Jesus Raises Lazarus from Death)


20. Jesu aba Naingula Lazalo kwa Afu (Bild 79. Jesus Raises Lazarus from Death)

Jesu aba Nabalisa Aanu likumi no Mbumba (Bild 80. Jesus Heals Ten Lepers)


21. Jesu aba Nabalisa Aanu likumi no Mbumba (Bild 80. Jesus Heals Ten Lepers)

Enguli no Mbelwa no Situndami (Bild 81. Parable of the Persistent Widow)


22. Enguli no Mbelwa no Situndami (Bild 81. Parable of the Persistent Widow)

Omufalisi ni Mutelisi (Bild 82. The Pharisee and the Tax Collector)


23. Omufalisi ni Mutelisi (Bild 82. The Pharisee and the Tax Collector)

Jesu aba Nafuyola Anuke (Bild 83. Jesus Blesses the Children)


24. Jesu aba Nafuyola Anuke (Bild 83. Jesus Blesses the Children)

Jesu ni Ndumbana no Kufuma (Bild 84. Jesus and the Rich Young Man)


25. Jesu ni Ndumbana no Kufuma (Bild 84. Jesus and the Rich Young Man)

Enguli no Abeleki namu Litema no Beine (Bild 85. Parable of Workers in the Vineyard)


26. Enguli no Abeleki namu Litema no Beine (Bild 85. Parable of Workers in the Vineyard)

Omukumbeli no sibofu yobaliswa kwa Jeliko (Bild 86. A Blind Beggar Healed at Jericho)


27. Omukumbeli no sibofu yobaliswa kwa Jeliko (Bild 86. A Blind Beggar Healed at Jericho)

Jesu ni Zakiyasi (Bild 87. Jesus and Zacchaeus)


28. Jesu ni Zakiyasi (Bild 87. Jesus and Zacchaeus)

Jesu aba Naingena mwa Jelusalema (Bild 88. Jesus Enters Jerusalem)


29. Jesu aba Naingena mwa Jelusalema (Bild 88. Jesus Enters Jerusalem)

Jesu aba Nakenisa Etempele (Bild 89. Jesus Clears the Temple)


30. Jesu aba Nakenisa Etempele (Bild 89. Jesus Clears the Temple)

Enguli no Alimi no Kwiiba (Bild 90. Parable of the Wicked Tenants)


31. Enguli no Alimi no Kwiiba (Bild 90. Parable of the Wicked Tenants)

Okuteneka Omutelo kwa Sesale (Bild 91. Paying Taxes to Caesar)


32. Okuteneka Omutelo kwa Sesale (Bild 91. Paying Taxes to Caesar)

Enubu no Mbelwa no Kusheba (Bild 92. The Poor Widow's Offering)


33. Enubu no Mbelwa no Kusheba (Bild 92. The Poor Widow's Offering)

Jesu seli Wiyeta eyi no Nako naku Mamaneneno (Bild 93. Jesus Teaches about the End Times)


34. Jesu seli Wiyeta eyi no Nako naku Mamaneneno (Bild 93. Jesus Teaches about the End Times)

Enguli no Tumwalye Likumi (Bild 94. Parable of the Ten Virgins)


35. Enguli no Tumwalye Likumi (Bild 94. Parable of the Ten Virgins)

Enguli no Timpo (Bild 95. Parable of the Talents)


36. Enguli no Timpo (Bild 95. Parable of the Talents)

Enguli no Mikoko ni Tupuli (Bild 96. Parable of the Sheep and the Goats ▪ Instrumental)


37. Enguli no Mikoko ni Tupuli (Bild 96. Parable of the Sheep and the Goats ▪ Instrumental)

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