Donate to Global Recordings Network

Your gift will give people groups like Uu's the opportunity to hear the good news of Jesus in their heart language
Your gift will give people groups like Uu's the opportunity to hear the good news of Jesus in their heart language

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Thank you for considering donating to Global Recordings Network.

You can donate by check, cash or other methods direct to the local GRN office in your country. Gifts can be designated for any purpose in that country.

Give Now in:


AUD - GRN Australia

CAD - GRN Canada

Euro - Audio Vie France

Euro - Gospel Recordings Nederland.


Rand - GRN South Africa

For more information or to donate by other means contact your nearest office.

  • Another way you can support GRN financially is through a bequest.

  • GRN wants to glorify the Lord in all matters relating to finances, including how we obtain finances and how we administer funds.

  • Informationen mit geschätzten Kosten für eine Reihe aktueller Projekte.

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