Bible Stories

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Jesus was the best communicator who ever lived. He regularly used stories when He taught. He created a hunger for truth in the hearts of the people through His many parables.

Today storytelling is still effective. The thing we often remember most about sermons is not the "three main points," but the illustrations!

Global Recordings Network has followed Christ's method and uses Bible stories to communicate. We use local voices and local music to tell Bible stories in culturally appropriate ways.

Listen, download and share our free Bible stories in more than 6,000 languages

Verwandte Informationen

Warum Geschichten erzählen? - Das Erzählen von Geschichten war schon immer ein hocheffektives Kommunikationsmittel.

Globale Nachrichten -

Aktuelle Nachrichten über das geistliche Amt und Materialien des Global Recordings Network aus aller Welt.

Burkina Faso - Informationen über Burkina Faso