Prayer is Talking to God

Prayer is Talking to God

إستعراض: For untaught Christians about prayer. Thanking God; asking for help; needs; problems; wisdom; forgiveness of sin.

رقم النص: 248

لغة: English

الفكرة: Living as a Christian (Prayer, petition); Problems (Problems, troubles, worries)

الجماهير: New Christian

نمط: Monolog

فصيل: Bible Stories & Teac

الغرض: Teaching

نص من الإنجيل: None

حالة: Approved

هذا النص هو دليل أساسى للترجمة والتسجيلات فى لغات مختلفة. و هو يجب ان يعدل ليتوائم مع اللغات و الثقافات المختلفة لكى ما تتناسب مع المنطقة التى يستعمل بها. قد تحتاج بعض المصطلحات والأفكار المستخدمة إلى شرح كامل أو قد يتم حذفها فى ثقافات مختلفة.


When we believe in Jesus we become the children of God. As God's children we can talk to Him about everything in this life.

It is important for members of a family to converse. In order for each to do his duty and fulfill his responsibility, there must be communication.

We need to tell God that we appreciate the good things He allows us to enjoy. Fish, fowl, game, fruit, were created by Him for us to enjoy. He keeps them growing for our use. He protects us from dangers and illness. He is good to us. We must thank Him.

Of course there are some occasions when we are in need. Then we can ask our Heavenly Father for these things that we have need of.

Our children ask us for food, and we give it to them. We do not give them anything that will be bad for them. If we ask God for bad things, neither will He give them to us.

Do you have problems? Do you have fears? Tell God about them. God knows how to solve every problem. He will give you courage and free you from fear. Something else, we should ask God to help others, too.

Do you need wisdom? Ask God for it. He said He would give it to all who ask for it.

Have you done wrong? Are you sorry? Tell God. Ask Him to forgive you. He will cleanse your heart. We cannot have fellowship with God unless we have been forgiven and have left our sin.

Every day we must talk to God. Upon awaking, while working or walking, at home, at any other place, we can talk to God.

He can hear everyone who talks with Him. He understands every language. He loves all peoples. He is waiting for more of us _______ people to talk to Him. But first we must believe in Jesus. If we believe and ask Him to receive us He will accept us into God's family. He will forgive our sins. He will listen when we talk to Him. He will care for us and help us when we ask Him to.

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