

إستعراض: Refers to local custom of carrying burdens on the head. Leads into the burden of sin that all people carry. Discusses the various burdens of sin that Satan puts upon us, and that the burden is heavier than ever because of God's anger against sin. The way of escape from God's anger; freedom from burdens and Satan; Christ's atonement.

رقم النص: 210

لغة: English

الفكرة: Sin and Satan (Sin, disobedience, Satan (the devil), Heart, soul of man); Christ (Saviour of Sinful Men); Belief System (Syncretism)

الجماهير: Animist

نمط: Dialog

فصيل: Messages and Fiction

الغرض: Evangelism

نص من الإنجيل: Paraphrase

حالة: Approved

هذا النص هو دليل أساسى للترجمة والتسجيلات فى لغات مختلفة. و هو يجب ان يعدل ليتوائم مع اللغات و الثقافات المختلفة لكى ما تتناسب مع المنطقة التى يستعمل بها. قد تحتاج بعض المصطلحات والأفكار المستخدمة إلى شرح كامل أو قد يتم حذفها فى ثقافات مختلفة.



1. I see you have a very heavy load on your head.

2. Ah, yes, it is so heavy I cannot lift it to my head. Friends had to help me and I have carried it a long way.

1. You must be very tired.

2. You are right. I wish I didn't have to carry burdens, but no one escapes carrying them.

1. You have said truly. But there is one kind of burden which all people carry needlessly. It is very heavy, but they do not know that they can get rid of it.

2. What is that you are saying?

1. I am talking about the burdens Satan puts upon us. We carry them in our hearts - and that is why our hearts are tired. Satan deceives us, and thus we carry a great bundle of sin. Do you know what is in the great bundle of sin which people carry?

2. Tell me.

1. There are many things. Lies are a burden.

2. How is that?

1. Satan deceives us, so we think it is a good and clever thing to lie. But our neighbors and our friends do not trust us. And when we are found out, people are angry. This often results in fighting and all kinds of evil. Thus we carry the burden of the anger of our friends and the evil of fighting. This is a heavy burden. But it is made even heavier.

2. How is that?

1. It is made heavier by the anger of God. God hates sin. He hates untruth with a terrible hate, because His name is Truth. Thus His anger is very great against that which is not truth. He tells us in the book of God that all liars shall be cast into the terrible place of fire where Satan will be punished.

2. Ah - how terrible - but who can escape? Truly the burden is heavy with the anger of God upon it.

1. There is a way of escape, and we must take it or we will certainly go to that place of fire when we die. All things that are sin are burdens that we carry. God will not receive us with that burden of sin. He says if we refuse Satan's ways and trust only in Jesus He will remove the burden of sin from our hearts. He will free us from lying and stealing, from adultery and killing. He will free us from trusting in fetishes and charms. He will put His life within us, which is clean and strong. Jesus died for us, taking our punishment for sin upon Himself. He shed His blood for us. There is no other sacrifice that can help us. Trust in Jesus. After He died He rose again. He is God; He is able to help you. He will be your friend. Every day ask Him to keep you away from the path of Satan. He will give you His strength so that you will refuse evil. Thus God will make you His child. He says, "Come out from the unclean ways of Satan. Receive Jesus into your heart, instead of sin, and you will be My child."

2. These are good words. When can I do this?

1. Right now. God will hear you whenever you talk to Him. He says, "I will never refuse anyone who comes to Me." Ask Him to take the burden of sin from your heart and make it clean. He will hear you, and make you His child.

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