Speech Varieties Research

Hierdie bladsy is tans nie beskikbaar in Afrikaans nie.

There are many varieties of speech throughout the world. The term "Speech Variety" is a collective name, and includes any form or variety of a language that is distinctive in spoken form. It may include:

  1. Languages
  2. Language Varieties
  3. Undetermined Speech Varieties

Speech Varieties that have been investigated and qualify are entered into the Registry Of Language Varieties (ROLV), which is part of the Harvest Information System.

The Steward organization of the Registry Of Language Varieties is Global Recordings Network. For more information contact Allan Starling.

Verwante inligting

Tale van die Wêreld - Soek tale en ander spraakvariëteite volgens naam of kode.

Lande van die Wêreld - Alle lande ter wêreld, met skakels na taalinligting oor elke land.