Speaking to God

Speaking to God

Raamwerk: Conversation asking about prayer. Includes the illustration of publican and Pharisee. Covers repentance; where and when to pray; praying with right attitudes; the Holy Spirit's help; faith.

Skripnommer: 316

Taal: English

Tema: Character of God (Holy Spirit); Living as a Christian (Prayer, petition, Repentance, Forgiveness, Faith, trust, believe in Jesus)

Gehoor: General; New Christian

Styl: Dialog

Genre: Messages and Fiction

Doel: Evangelism; Teaching

Bybelaanhaling: Paraphrase

Status: Approved

Skrips is basiese riglyne vir vertaling en opname in ander tale. Hulle moet so nodig aangepas word dat hulle verstaanbaar en relevant is vir elke verskillende kultuur en taal. Sommige terme en konsepte wat gebruik word, het moontlik meer verduideliking nodig of selfs heeltemal vervang of weggelaat word.


1. This morning I heard a message (talk) on prayer. *1) I only understand a little about speaking to God. Can you tell me more?

2. I will try. For a Christian, prayer is very important. To him it is like breathing. If a Christian doesn't pray, he will be very weak to follow Christ.

1. If a man wants to become a Christian, can he pray to God?

2. Yes. But there is a right way and a wrong way to pray. Jesus told us about two men who prayed in church (God's house). One man stood up and said, "God, you know I am a good man! I don't steal! I don't take another man's wife (commit adultery)! I give money to the church! And I am not a bad man like that man standing over there!" The other man stood with his head bowed (very low). Inside his heart he felt his sins to be very heavy. He said, "Oh, God, have pity on me. I am a very bad man." Jesus said that the first man just spoke to himself, because he only exalted himself. God did not listen to him. But God heard the second man because he truly repented. God forgave him. If a man wants to be a Christian, his prayer should be like the second man. He should ask God to take away his sins. And he must believe (understand truly) that Jesus has died for him.

1. Tell me, should we pray only in church?

2. No, we can pray any time and any place. Jesus said to pray in a quiet (secret) place in our house. Many times Jesus went to the garden and mountainside by Himself. He wanted to be alone and talk to His Father in heaven. At other times, Jesus prayed in church. Jesus said it was also good for two or three Christians to pray together.

1. But how do we know that God will hear us?

2. We must ask God to teach us to pray. True prayer is talking to God from our heart. It is not asking for many possessions. A man who belongs to Jesus will not always be thinking of himself. He will think, "Is it fitting for me to have this? Will it exalt Christ?" True prayer is having one mind (heart) with God. The Holy Spirit will help us to pray. We should always finish our prayer this way: "I pray (ask this) in Jesus' name." It is Jesus Who brings us to God. The more we pray, the more we will learn about prayer.

1. Why don't people pray more?

2. I think there are many reasons. One man may hate (hold hard thoughts against) another man. He finds it hard to pray when He is living wrong. We must ask God to help us not to hate anyone. Another man is practicing sin. He is ashamed to pray because he knows God will not hear him. But if our lives are straight, God will hear us. One very important thing about prayer is this: We must believe God hears us and that He will answer us. We must not forget this.

1. Your words are good. I know I have much to learn about prayer.

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