Paul in Ephesus

Paul in Ephesus

Raamwerk: Acts 19:1, 9-10, 23-41

Skripnommer: 1385

Taal: English

Gehoor: General

Genre: Bible Stories & Teac

Doel: Evangelism; Teaching

Bybelaanhaling: Paraphrase

Status: Approved

Skrips is basiese riglyne vir vertaling en opname in ander tale. Hulle moet so nodig aangepas word dat hulle verstaanbaar en relevant is vir elke verskillende kultuur en taal. Sommige terme en konsepte wat gebruik word, het moontlik meer verduideliking nodig of selfs heeltemal vervang of weggelaat word.


Title Ideas:Paul comes to Ephesus.Paul stayed two years at Ephesus.How God brought peace to a violent [dangerous] angry mob who were threatening Christians.

Paul had been travelling from city to city, visiting Christians and teaching in their gatherings [churches]. After he came back to Ephesus, he stayed there two years. He taught the Christians how to tell other Jews and Gentiles [elsewhere] about Jesus .

There was a Gentile man [who made things from silver; a silversmith] named Demetrius. He and others [silversmiths] earned much money by making from silver model [toy / small] shrines for the goddess Artemis. One day, Demetrius called together all these men [silversmiths].

Demetrius said to them, “Paul is telling people that idols in temples are not real gods! This has made many people stop buying our model [toy / small] shrines! This is also ruining our business, so we no longer earn much money!

“Many people have also stopped worshipping our goddess [named] Artemis!”When the silversmiths heard this, they became angry and started shouting, “[Our goddess] Artemis is great!”

Soon many people in Ephesus became confused [very active and animated]. An angry crowd [mob / many men] seized two of Paul’s coworkers [traveling companions], and dragged them to a stadium [a field with seats where crowds watched sport games].

[Outside the stadium] Paul said [to some Christians with him], “I shall go speak to the [angry] crowd [in the stadium],” but the Christians would not allow him [to do so]. Some government [provincial] officials were Paul’s friends. These men sent a message to Paul, which said, “Please, do not come to the stadium! [It is dangerous and you could be killed]”

Most people in the crowd did not know what was happening, but they kept on shouting. Many were asking, “Why have we come together here?”

When some Jews tried to speak to the crowd, the Gentiles shouted, “We will not listen to Jews! Our goddess Artemis [here in Ephesus] is great!”

After some time, a government official [the city clerk] made everyone stop shouting. He said to them, “People in Ephesus! Do nothing violent! These men [Paul and his companions] have neither robbed our temples nor spoken anything against our goddess Artemis!

“If Demetrius and the silversmiths want to accuse these men, then they must do so in court before a judge!

There is no good reason for all this commotion [anger, noise and demonstration / mob action]! The riot you have caused today could make Roman [government] soldiers come and punish us!

“Everyone! Go home now!” Then, everyone quieted down, turned and left the stadium.

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